Floors & Services
Floors & Surfaces
QSS 30
Descaler, Mortar and Rust Film Remover
Fast Acting • Powerful • Inhibited Formulation
Quill Industrial QSS 30 descales tanks and dissolves concrete splashes, rust film, lime scale and grout from surfaces. The fast acting acidic formulation effectively dissolves concrete splashes and rust film with ease, restoring soiled surfaces and equipment back to new in seconds.
Available in:

4 x 5 litres

1 x 25 litres

1 x 200 litres

1 x 1000 litres
To order call
+44 (0) 1332 694059 | +44 (0) 1332 694060 | chemsales@quillinternational.com
+44 (0) 1332 694059
+44 (0) 1332 694060 | chemsales@quillinternational.com